Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tar Tar!

"Oh no! We are going away,there is so much to organise"
Please don't miss us!


Well it's done! Tamara and Lindsay moved into their new house.
All are settling in well and are just happy with home sweet home.
We went across to help them unpack but not alot of unpacking went on,the children were just too much fun!
Little Zachy ready to be moved,signed not quite sealed but delivered Ryan was not too sure about all his toys being packed away but soon was happy to be playing with them in the "new house" as he says
Lexie helped unpack a box for the pantry
Not sure if Tams knows where anything is but......
What a happy little worker Lexie was!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Picking a Winner!

Poor Lexie.
l took a picture of her just at the wrong time,She was looking beautiful for a moment.
Anyway a great "21st" picture but l just had to share it with you all,so funny!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Smith Christmas!

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas.
With food prepared and the Christmas tree stacked with presents and everyone around it, it was time to begin. "Hooray!"
Ryan and Lexie provided the entertainment for the moment with their whistle blowers
Tamara looking like she is going to belt out a tune and Lindsay eyeing off his present
Nathan and Anna looking just a little excited. Oooo almost time Javan and Zara getting comfy and Poppy ready to go with video camera in hand And Go! Kaos! Attempt #1 of getting all the grandchildren for a photo. Umm not quite good enough maybe.... Attempt #2.
Oh it's good enough.Just cant see the little one's faces. Maybe we can just do this.... Isaac.Mr Serious Zachary.Mr Worried. Let's just stop trying and play ball. The afternoon "go slows" kicked in and all were out the front relaxing on the lawn Oh the serenity! But little did we know what was going on inside.Zara had found something alot more interesting to do with her new present, the make-up kit......... Presenting Princess Zara! or as Poppy liked to say "Cherry ripe" You look beautiful Zara!
And of course Tyson just watched it all and enjoyed the company and pats he occasionally got

The1-2-3 Party!

It was party central here on the weekend.
With Nathan, Anna and tribe along with Lindsay Tamara and boys,and of course Poppy Nan and Lyce,we were able to celebrate 3 birthdays and have a family Christmas.
Here's the birthday bit
Javan giving Lexie a birthday hug
And a birthday squeeze "Can't breath Javan"
Isaac's cake
Lexie's Cake and..Ryan's Cake.
All very yummy and great as the children loved them
Isaac opening his caterpillar birthday toy.
On his own for once,having older brother and sister he doesn't tend to get to do it himself
Poppy testing out Ryan's present, a whipper sniper
And our beautiful Lexie getting a big birthday hug from Mummy! Simple pleasures