Wednesday, March 18, 2009

See you later!

So this is farewell for awhile. Thankyou for all the support and we look forward to letting you know how we are settling in! Take Care xoxox

Girls Night Out!

Last night some ladies from church took me out to dinner.
It was a lovely ltalian place that was to die for.
Thank you so much girls for spoiling me and being just such beautiful friends!
L-R: Merry Thompson,Joy McHuge,Me, Megan Venz and Aliesha Christensen

M+B Goobye!

On Tuesday Lexie and l had our last mums and bubs group.
It was a beautiful morning in the park and it was also celebrated with Will's 2nd birthday!
Lexie and Abi having a good old laugh on the swing Will trying to blow out his candles (that was the 4th time candles were lit as everyother kid blew them out before him)
Singing the famous tune
Group photo
back:Will and Julia
standing:Abi and Lexie
front: John Eli,Birthday Will and Anika
Yummy party food

Farewell Party!

On Saturday night we were treated with a little "going away" party from our friends.
We had alot of fun and enjoyed ourselves,especially when Letoya,Karlee Sarah and myself went out down town later for a dance.
We still have it!
Jamie pondering life without the Heiny's Mum was happy to help out with all the children for the night and here she is with Maharlia and Lexie just relaxing Some of the crew
enjoying the fab caramel tarts
and having a chat
More happy eaters
Thanks to Karlee and Nato for hosting it at there new house and Sarah and Jamie for their help! We love you all heaps!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lexie and Friends #2!

So many friends to see and just not enough time.
We had Tanya and her little 9mth girl Natalie (Ally) come and play
the other day,whilst they play us girls wax n chat
Ally in a unusual sitting position
Lexie and Ally share alot of special times together and just make each other smile so much with things like big hugs Feeling faces Rubbing noses
And big kisses
Two cutie's
"My friend Ally"
We will miss you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lexie and Friends!

Well before we leave town we need to make sure we get in as much fun as possible!
It is always guaranteed when Lexie,Lily and Ella spend time together!
The three matching pumpkins! Morning tea time!
Pink bun and water,always a treat! Ella being her beautiful self and making everyone laugh
We are really going to miss them and their parents a heap when we leave but hope to see then again soon!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nathan's Birthday!

On Thursday Nathan celebrated his 28th birthday!
Although no one was awake when he left for work,we made up for it in his arrival home.
Lexie helping with the stack of balloon's we placed on the bed,and around his presents "l wonder if l can open one?"
The birthday carrot cake making begins,
All set for the oven........just........
clean up time
one more bit
cant wait for the icing beaters....
Due to circumstance's beyond my control, l am unable to bring you the finished product.
A great night was had
Happy Birthday Nath!

A Visit from Family!

A couple of weekends ago Mum and Dad visited but surprised me coming a day earlier.
It worked out very well as they were able to look after Lexie while we were at the Paul's wedding and also spend some time in Toowoomba before we leave.
A bonus for Dad was that he was able to get himself a big "stash" of Weis Bars to take back with him from our friends and believe it or not they all made it back to Moree with no "defrosts".
It was also nice that on the Sunday before they left Tamara,Lindsay and the boys came across for the day.It meant that we were all able to go out to lunch at Sizzler and celebrate Nathan's birthday abit early.
Story time with Poppy! Between Banana's and Bob books,Poppy was busy with these two
Just for some fun Lexie and l dressed the same,denim dresses how cute!
There are no dramas keeping the children quiet at Sizzler,there is too much to eat.
Ryan hooking in!
Lexie making a mess!
Zachary just eating little bits at a time!
Our very full family!