Thursday, July 9, 2009

Alyce Visit's!

We were very fortunate to have Alyce come all the way down to Echuca
for a week of her Uni holidays.
Of course heaps of fun was had and Lexie and Alyce just adore eachother,
so it was nice for them to have some more special times.
Here are just some of the things we got up to during her stay!
Lexie helped Lyce unpack and found she had very big shoe's to fill
But what great dancing shoe's
Watching Alyce "tissy up" in the bathroom for our dinner out can take awhile so what better
place to watch then in the bath tub But just look at the end product,beautiful
Oh nice! Oh very nice!!
After dinner Lexie had my handbag and was off.
no better time to do some window shopping she thought, mind you they
are lawn bowls she is looking at,strange.
"mmmm this town just doesn't have what l need"
"Maybe l will try the nightclubs out, come on Lyce give them a smile!"
A true party princess Paddle steamer Time!
Cold but a really nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon
How's the Serenity!
Very tiring work cruzin' the Murray
mmmmmmmm Milkshakes
Thanks Lycee!
Park time!
Legs up legs down
Weeeeeee down the slide
Tag me!
Choc chip cookie cooking time!
A quiet place to eat them, yum yum
Getting ready for day out at Bendigo,
little rock star with mic and hairdo
No stop in Bendigo is complete without a visit to Hungry Jacks or
as Lexie says "Hungy Burgers"
Alyce choosing between which State she should stay in. Maybe she can become
a Victorian like us!!!!!
Thanks for coming Alyce.We loved your stay and all the help you were
for us.Your always welcome here!
Love yah mmmmmwah


So here is a picture taken a little while ago of the backyard.
Slowly growing is the grass and the veggies in the planter boxes doing well.
But my pride and joy at the time was the new washing line.Sad l know.
Will take more photo's and update soon.
Rocket,spinach,snow peas and broccoli
Pea straw layed everywhere to cover the dirt and allow the lawn seed to grow.
You can see,where the blue clam is, the extension of the outdoor area plan.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Crazy Hair!

The nice hair you saw before did have to come out,and what did it leave?
a very crazy hairdo!

Ridgy Visits!

We had a visit from one of Nath's school friend and the best man in our wedding. Ridgy.
We didn't get up to much but enjoyed a nice dinner out and the boys went driving around the district.
Story time on the couch Dinner at the Moama RSL,boys looking oh so excited Lexie waiting patiently for her sausage's and chips
and praying they are not far away, hungry work being cute
Always the way to pass time,take a picture,

Thanks for visiting Ridgy, we had a nice time with you!

Funny Face!

Saturday morning fun!
Happy Face
Sad Face
Scary face
Surprised Face
Excited Face