A couple of weeks ago we had a beautiful afternoon/evening playing in the park and helping little friend Indiya celebrate her birthday. "Butterfly" style.
With the food and games, everyone had fun,even the Dad's who got to come.
No better way to start a party then with food, a sausage sizzle.
Birthday girl Indiya in the background on blue chair and Lexie's side kick, Amali.
Amali enjoying as much fairy bread as possible while mum not looking
Time for a game and egg and spoon race's with marbles and plastic spoons keep all children well entertained for a long time
Lexie trying hard not to loose her marble's
Next activity was "decorate and make your own key chain".
Lexie's finished product
Indiya's dad Cam,a teacher,guided the children through the next game.
A Butterfly hunt
With feet crossed Lexie is all ear's
Hunting and..........
found five chocolate butterflies
Time for cake and Indiya's mum,Jess,did yet another wonderful creation.