So the last couple of weeks have been busy for us.
With Christmas party's, and alot of catch-up's with friend,it's been nice to be enjoying the summer sun.
We had a lovely overnight visit from Ma and Old Pa and just spent it eating yummy slice and chilling out. Pa did well with walks to the park and all that Lexie had for him in "her Echuca"
In between all the chatting that Lexie did,Old Pa was able to read Lexie the Christmas story and catch some one-on-one time with her.
With the heat around Nath has set up the pool so that more fun can be had....
Saturday morning started bright and early with a little voice
from a room declaring a birthday.
Waiting patiently on the edge of her bed,Lexie explained she
"wasn't 2, not almost 3 but 3 now".
Let the day and celebration's begin!!
First phone call for the day from Nanny and Poppy, along with their visitor's,the Jobling's
Present time and an angel outfit from Nan and Pop along with a box of goodies
Onto present from Mum and Dad and.....
A wooden train set!
All dressed up and ready for the party!!
Let the party begin with pass the parcel
Toby's turn and what's inside?
a bangle and chocolate mmmm
Play time and Toby is the entertainment for the morning,
playing a little number on the glitter stick. Go Tob's!
All whilst the other's mingle and listern
Next activity,"decorate your own biscuit"
Lexie getting into the smarties........
"one for me, one for the biscuit, two for me"
Time to share the masterpiece's
All enjoying the soft grass and sun for a change
The newly wed's Tim and Kate Bowles
Friends Jaime,Jess and lndiya help to open more present's
Whilst mum does what her Dad (poppy) would be proud of, recording the event.
Top LR-Jess,Lexie, Jaime
BelowLR-lndiya and Shyanna
The "pink butterfly" creation
went down well l believe
Happy Family's! Arrrrrrrr
Afternoon nap had and it was into the angel outfit
More presents but first Ma Ma and Pa's and........
Books and a quillow,
BBQ from U.Sami,A Relle and La La.
The "Wot Wot's" book and headband.
Other fab presents included a beautiful pink flower fairy outfit from
U.Steve,A.Lou and Toby and a bright beach towel from U.Matt,A.Kara and Jack.
Thanyou to all.
But more train track's from Mum and Dad,yey now time to play
Uncle Steve and Nath trying to make a track but getting side tracked with it themselve's
"Wot Wot" Lexie's turn now but not for long
"Wot Wot" Dad wanted it all and whilst he does that..........