So on the Labour day holiday,we thought why not all get in and make some scone's.
Little did l know that we were going to be having visitor's to share them with!!!
With scone's in the oven and cream being whipped,l get an announcement from Lexie that "Karlee and Sarah are here Mummy!"
These very dear girl's had gotten up at 1:30am in Toowoomba,drove to Brisbane to catch a flight to Melbourne,then hired a car to drive to Echuca,all to spent 24hrs with us.My reaction was can all imagine...tear's!
They truly are gem's,and the time spent together was fantastic.It was also great that Sarah and l could introduce our new precious little bundle's to eachother............
8week old Eva Grace Collins
In the afternoon we took them out and about in Echuca to show them the site's,
(quick trip really)
Nathan was our gal pal too for the day
We stopped beside the Murray River for some picture's
(or was that for Karlee to take a leak)
The river queen.
Next stop,Australia's Greatest Bakery-Beechworth Bakery,for a hot choc!
Eva and Mitchell getting to know eachother.
Karlee think's maybe the next Mr and Mrs Heinrich
The three pea's
Sarah and l swapped our bub's for a quick pic
Next morning it was paparazzi time,
Mitchell making face's
"Smile Kiddies"
Mitchell-"Hey how you doin?"
Eva- "Take that in the face boy,don't touch my butt"
Mitchell- "How about we ditch this crib and get out of here, on my count"
Eva-"Bummer they got us",
Mitchell- "And l'm in tights"
Thankyou from the bottom of our heart's lovely ladies for making such an effort to see us.
Thankyou also to Chloe,Mali,Nato,Jimmy and Abi for sharing them with us.
The good time's we had, we will remember alway's.
Echuca is a better place now you have visited!!!