Saturday, October 25, 2008

Birthday Babes!

It's was party time for the little princesses! With Lexie turning 2 on the 28th of Nov and Alara turning 1 on the 24th Nov,we thought it appropriate to have an early celebration with the "grandies". lm not sure who had more fun the yummy mummy's or the girls?
With the best party food ever there,Ma Ma's jelly slice and hedgehog,the party was ready to GOOOOOO!
Lexie pointing to the letter"Q" on her new Pa made table
"Q is for Queen and that's us! Right Pa" "What you mean we're not Queens?" "We are princesses remember Lexie"
Two sweeties next to the sweeties. Don't you just love their cakes and candles!
Hahahahaha Happy birthday to me!
Mmmmmmm happy birthday to me!
"Hmmmm so lm your favourite niece,for how much longer? Love you too Auntie Relle"
The delicate art of carefully opening the presents. Lexie knows that that paper can be re-used. What a clever girl!
"Yey yummy fruit basket. Now l can charge extreme prices just like the fruit shop mummy goes to"
"ChurChing,that's $4 for that banana, thank you"
Marvellous Ma Ma and Playful Pa with their Gorgeous Grand Girls!

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