Sunday, November 2, 2008


We had the opportunity to go to Taronga Zoo whilst we were in Sydney. Wasn't the best day as it was abit overcast but a fun day was had.
Lexie at times didn't really want to sit in the pram and was more then happy to dawdle along at her own pace,a little challenging when we had a show we wanted to see on the other side of the Zoo, but we coped and still had a blast.
The Happy Heiny Jnr's with the best view in town.
The Happy Grandies!
Taking time out watching a show
Alara's half time bikky.Gotta Ya!
Alara trying her hardest to go for a dip. Pa doing well to hold on to her
The two cuties,a "thumbs up" time in the kiddy zoo area with the bunnies
"Chee Chee Chee"
There was a beautiful seal at the Zoo called Lexie. Couldn't go past a pic with the other beautiful Lexie. They both love people and encouragement from the crowd.
Probably one of the best jobs at the Zoo. Lexie wanted a go...
This was the next best thing and best option
Some beautiful animals we got to see
A happy little chimp family,it was so cute
"l can't hear you?"

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