Monday, February 23, 2009

Kuppas Wedding!

On the weekend we attended Paul Kupke's was beautiful and we all had alot of fun.
This was the last time,at a formal gathering, that we would spend with our dear friends for a while, so it was abit sad but still great to be able to get all dressed up,and may l say just how glam we all looked!
A nice looking couple don't you think The beautiful bride Hayley
and her stunning dress
The happy couple and their party
The beaming newly weds The beaming old farts
AJ and Tracey,who get married in 5weeks.
Adorable Abi Collins Amy and Carl with their new edition, Tommo! Karlee and Nato's new edition, Mahalia!
Dinner time for Eden and her daddy Coatesy M.C Heiny doing his best to mix it up on the floor and entertain
Jaime,Sarah,Jonno,Lisa and then as the MC announced,
the 2nd best looking lady there that evening.
Ah how sweet! Love you Nath!
Mr and Mrs Paul and Hayley Kupke

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