Monday, November 22, 2010

A Few Random's!!

Ok Ok Ok l know it has been awhile,like 6wks too long, but final we got a new camera and l have been working my little butt off trying to download all the old and new picture's.(it does take awhile when your computer decides it's going to be the slowest in the world...l know l so that alot but it is!) Anyway here are some random pic's of what has happened since last blog. Please still keep checking and working with me!!
Lexie all ready for her 1st Calastinic's performance concert
The two males of the house looking oh so excited to be doing this for the next oooooo 10yrs
Performance done and still stuck in a dance
l threw my friend Jess a surprise morning tea before her number 3 came along. 4wks ago Xanthia Joy ???? Davey was born 7pd8oz.

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