Tuesday, January 24, 2012


10 adults + 9 children= SMITH FAMILY CHRISTMAS 2011
No better way to start the festivities then with ice-cream.........
and chin wagging.
Christmas morning and Lexie always exercising those vocal cords
Mitchell very pleased with his matchbox cars
Aliyana and her first Christmas outfit for the day
What a handsome trio in their matching shirts.
After church,time to eat!!!
For Isaac the safety gear and snorkels were essential for any activity
Time to be blessed by gifts
These fashion gals in their new dresses from Nan....big winner!
Nathan super excited with his own kite from his kidlets. (Now he doesn't need to use Lexie's princess one.)
Lexie was so excited about her gift to me, beautiful silver drop earrings. So was l.
Little CWA meeting. Javan on the minutes l think as he was the only one who could write. Funny, l went over to ask them what they were talking about and it was important information about what vegetables they did and did not like.
Time to get wet wet wet!!!
"Snaps" to Alyce on her creative and very yummy desserts.
Boxing day and Poppy with his "hip buddies" Jesse and Mitchell
The beautiful "Smithie" granddaughters
These two were having a good old conversation to each other. Both full of Christmas cheer.
No trip to Moree is complete without Dad taking Nathan up in the plane. Worked out well as there had been ALOT of rain about and we all know how Nath loves his water views.

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