Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meeting the New Kid on the Block!

A couple of weeks ago we ventured back to the farm to meet the newest member of the Heinrich grandie clan. Beau Lachlan Excell! 
Plus it was a fantastic chance to ALL be together!

We arrive and after dinner and bath, time to de-brief with abit of Shaun the Sheep

Little Beau himself and l was really enjoying the cuddle until Relle stated that the "ball was back in my court"

Up bright and early to go visit Jack and Will. Uncle Matt had a fire truck for us to ride on.(Always saftey first when travelling between the farms)

"Left turn now Dad!"

"Right! jump in everyone, lets go!"
Nath dressed and ready

"It was that big Will!"

"Nah, just joking!"

Four little heads all in a row.

Two chatter boxes in the front.

Back home where its warm.

Little Leyla melting our hearts

"mmmmm l could pull that hair?"

"Love you Mum!"

Whilst the younger two were in the bath, its more de-brief time.

All the pigeon pairs

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