Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Easter 2010 was quiet for us. Unfortunately Nathan was unwell so it was good no one came to visit or they may not have been to impressed with what they left with. But under the circumstance's we still had a lovely time together as a happy family of four!
We went to a Good Friday Family fun day along with other's from church. Lexie enjoyed getting her face painted and running in the egg and spoon race. She may not have came first but she was honest enough not to hold the egg down with her finger's like the other children whilst running.
Easter Sunday surprises waiting
But all were asleep
Until l checked on Lexie and she was waiting patiently for us
Her turn with the camera.Goodmorning
Just before we race to see whats waiting
The ear's were just abit of fun Lexie said,LOL
mmmmm chocolate for breakfast,only on Easter Sunday
Mitchell wasn't forgotten,he got two books, one from Us and the other from MaMa and Pa
Asking where his chocolate was ????
"Give me chocolate,see this is where it goes"
"No mum!"
The real life doll
"Hang on a second this is it!"
"No one move, they are all mine"
"yeah go on laugh,but l'm sure l'm not the only one who has had a shot like this taken!'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julz, whta great 21st photos for Mitchell- he's going to HATE you!!!! Great to see what your Easter was like. I love seeing Mitchell in the clothes I lent you- it brings back such wonderful memories ahhhhhhh!!!!! BUT what is with the flannys?????
Love Tam xox