Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Surprise Guest's!

So after a sad goodbye to Karlee and Sarah, my day was quickly turned around by joy with a "tap tap" at the door and my very dear Dad standing waiting. And just when l had wiped the tears away and calmed down,around the corner jumped my older sister Tamara from QLD asking if l could handle another surprise, WOW! what could l say....nothing....tears yet again.
Poppy's first hold of his new little grand-matey!
Bed time cuddle's
Aunty Tam's being the thoughtful person she is had organised a parcel for Lexie. Something that would include her in the "mothering" of a new one
Lexie's new little girl-Ally Olivia
Thanks Aunty Tam's
So l thought the idea was to come and help us out but the oldie's thought breakfast in bed was a nicer idea.hahaha
So Dad and Tam were only here for a few day's so we made the most of all the time and sunny weather.
Poppy had some water bombs for Lexie(not best idea) but it was great fun to take them with us to the park and smash around
Lexie didn't realise that you don't throw them down in front of you, puddles and wet pant's,oh well
You couldn't keep Tam away for long,her efforts on taking the long trip was amazing but cuddle's with her newest nephew was worth it l think.
Both Ryan and Zachary have worn the same outfit, thumbs up to it from Mitchell
Tam a pro at bathing little boy's,covering the "bits"
Well another day and another lot of activities to do. Play dough time.See Lexie has control of the flour mmmm not good
Finished products. That's a choc biscuit not the play dough she is eating
Next painting
Then chalk drawing. This is one of her life like drawing's.A sad person,gee scary
Afternoon tea was always sweet bun
We were lucky if mum shared it with us...hahaha
Mighty Mitchell none the wiser just kicking back and relaxing
Dessert was Mum's apricot and peach crumble,
mmmmm yumo
mmmmm brocolli for Lexie
then crumble
Nathan alway's eat's his food as if it is going to run away so he just sit's back and wait's oh so patiently most night's
A very "drunk" little fella
Picnic's in the park were too nice not to do on weekend's
And then there were four!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well that bought back some great memories & even a few tears!!!! Love you all so much !!!!! Miss you