Tuesday, August 31, 2010


With all that has been going on in the last couple of weeks, you can only imagine how crazy it was.... some random picture's of our enjoyment!
Poor Mitchell was abit of the target for fun....
Our tummies are still sore from the laughter and fat from all the yummy food!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Birthday!

That time of the year came around again,the joy of birthday's!
l was woken early with the gang of kid's wanting to jump on me, (little Wal in the corner taking pic's)
l came back from lunch to find this beautiful cake at the front door. Thank's Jess,your amazing
Lindsay cooked up a storm for me. The best home made Chinese l have ever tasted.mmmmmmmmmm
Cake time and l had all the helper l could ask for! How spoilt am l!

Baptism and Dedication!

Last Sunday was a big day,Nathan was baptised and Mitchell was dedicated in our church service. lt was great to have both set's of parent's,brother's,sister's,cousin's, aunt's,uncle's and special friend's come visit for the occasion.
Mitchell was given, by the church a special teddy.
We were blessed to have our good friend Tim dedicate Mitchell
What a special bond to share now...
It was a big day for all and Zachy flaked early
Jack out like a light also
But Tam's and l kicked on! Thankyou to everyone who helped make the day so special for us as a little family!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our Growing Man!

This year has gone past so quickly and our little man Mitchell is almost 6mths old. He along with Lexie are alot of fun and we love them to piece's.
Special beanie's that their Great Great Aunty Joy knitted them.
First time in the high chair and just a little concerned
But then Lexie arrives and all is made well.
Looking forward to that one day l reckon
"Shhhhh,don't move l'm about to eat him!"
Love's watching telly with Dad
Oooooo interesting bit l think
"Did you see that Mum!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

4W Driving!

With the cold, wet weather we are having it is a great excuse to get out and dirty.No better way to do then in the Ute. So we packed ourselves up after church one day and off we went to find some hills and puddles!
Time to set up a camp fire for some afternoon tea
Not even the rough bumps disturbed Mitchell
Alway's need a second pair of hand's
A tru blu gal!
Awake and wondering where on earth we are???
"Oh hey dad!"
It was a great Sunday adventure but it made us think mmmmm next time let's not go alone. So....the next weekend we were at it again but this time with friend's
Tim and Kate packed their coffee,scone's and jam and off we went
We found the biggest sand pit for Lexie and it was abit of fun for the boys too in the 4wd
Tim and Kate in the "trol" making a splash
Time to rest and we found a great spot near the Murray to stop and have lunch.. Hot pie's and Milo
Again Mitchell just loved being able to catch some zzzzzz
For a 3yo there is only so much sitting by a fire and chatting she can take, so she took matter's into her own hand's and grabbed the camera to take some shot's
To end her shooting spree,a final shot of a grubby face and nostils
Mitchell woke just before we were packing up and pondered life with Tim by the fire
Too big of a day for Miss and she was out like a light before we knew it
Thanks for a great day Tim and Kate! Next time let's get bogged!!!!