Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our Growing Man!

This year has gone past so quickly and our little man Mitchell is almost 6mths old. He along with Lexie are alot of fun and we love them to piece's.
Special beanie's that their Great Great Aunty Joy knitted them.
First time in the high chair and just a little concerned
But then Lexie arrives and all is made well.
Looking forward to that one day l reckon
"Shhhhh,don't move l'm about to eat him!"
Love's watching telly with Dad
Oooooo interesting bit l think
"Did you see that Mum!"

1 comment:

PDTE said...

Hi Guys
We can't wait until Mitchell grows up. His stories will be great. What an expressive little face. We love your blog & stories. Keep it up.