Saturday, August 28, 2010

Baptism and Dedication!

Last Sunday was a big day,Nathan was baptised and Mitchell was dedicated in our church service. lt was great to have both set's of parent's,brother's,sister's,cousin's, aunt's,uncle's and special friend's come visit for the occasion.
Mitchell was given, by the church a special teddy.
We were blessed to have our good friend Tim dedicate Mitchell
What a special bond to share now...
It was a big day for all and Zachy flaked early
Jack out like a light also
But Tam's and l kicked on! Thankyou to everyone who helped make the day so special for us as a little family!


PDTE said...

That is awesome. Congratulations Nathan (and Mitchell).
Love Paul & Deb

Liesh said...

what a special day! love seeing the photos.. doesn't feel like we're too far away seeing them! xo