Thursday, May 8, 2014


Its been awhile l know. 
Getting harder to sit down for long enough on a slow computer.
But here are the goings on of the last couple of months.
I am sure you can work out from the photos the occasions.
Lets start with January.
Family trip home to the farm for belated Christmas,catch ups, cousins and cakes

Lord of the Rings?

Old Pa and New Pa

Lexie painted these for Ma Ma and Pa

Heinys never fail to make mess

Milk Bar boys

Aunty Relle as always celebrates her birthday at the farm and Laura never fails to impress in her creations
Relle enjoyed it all by the looks (hahaha no she shared with us-the strawberries)

Flynn along with his beautiful Mum, Honor were an added extra in the visit and such a delightful one too!

Ridin Farm style

Two Aussie battlers. Lexie had just come out of quarantine if you know what l mean and Mitch a month prior exact same thing.

So before uniting with others again we thought to deck ourselves out and go for a picnic in the park.

Time for our rainchecked "get-together" with these happy little Vegemite's.

Kate did a great job with Aussie inspired  food!

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