Thursday, May 8, 2014

Full on Feb!

Feburary was full on...
It was Birthday month in this house but it was also a month of firsts. 
First Birthday for our friend Oliver and the most exciting thing.....First day of junior pre-school for Mitchell which he LOVES!!!!

Their first day at "school" cake

Kate did a brilliant wall collage of Ollie's life with the theme of "time flies"

Ma Ma and Pa came across to help celebrate Mitchell's birthday weekend but did end up taking him back with them for a week of heaps and heaps of farm fun. Not before Lexie learnt how to make cards from the best-Ma Ma!

Lexie did a very creative job

Old Pa had given money so with much delight Mitchell got his bright red guitar

And quickly busted out a tune.

Ollie came over to give his gift.

Mini pressure hose for all the fires he needs to put out.

Cooking up a storm for Dads birthday now.

What more could a Daddy want!

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