Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lexie's 5th Birthday!!!

So this is so typical of me l know but l do truly remember wondering what celebrating a 5th birthday would be like with my own daughter. Well the day had come on Monday and as usual the birthday celebrations were wonderful!
Lexie had a surprise knock at the door Saturday afternoon, It was Ma Ma and cousin Jack with ice-cream cake!!
Lexie with the beautiful dress and shirt Ma and Pa gave her.
Thankyou so much for coming to visit and giving lots of cuddles!
All set and ready for the early morning....
Traditional birthday brekkie!!
I decided to give Lexie a party with some of her Kindy friends, Purple party of course and this outfit was bought by Nanny and Poppy especially whilst they were in Canada.
About as good as l could in the decoration department...too hot and windy.
Asha,Lexie and Gypsy
Poor Hamish being patient with noisy giggles.
Netti,Eliza and Ella
Past the parcel time and Mitchell was super keen on this game. (he in orange shirt and overalls)
Little hover cleaning up
Now you would think after such a great morning out with friends who were very generous in giving gifts,you would want to open them up and start playing but noooo sitting in a bucket is so much more exciting. She was pooped l think.
Birthday dinner out and time for a change, no Bowls club, a new one, Lexies choice....RSL
What a day but what a beautiful little girl we have been blessed with. We know ups and downs happen but we look forward to many more wonderful moments with you Lexie!!!!

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